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November 23, 2009

An Angel Trumpet that thinks it's a rose...

Today's featured Angel Trumpet seedling has such a full bloom it almost looks as if the flower is a rose, or other full bodied flower like a mum or carnation.  This beautiful bloom was produced by an Angel Trumpet seedling from a cross between brugmansia Naughty Nick x Cleopatra.

naughtynickxcleopatra.jpgBased on the parentage, this seedling has a double dose of color genes in it.  How cool would it be to have a future cross generate a yellow or orange bloom like the one above?! When I sliced the bloom open I found four separate skirts.  Below is bloom number two just starting to open.

naughtynickxcleopatra-2.jpgThis seedling quickly graduated to my watch zone and a nice comfortable 7 gallon pot. Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

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