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November 1, 2010
This Golden Angel Trumpet is one Big Momma!
When I came across this new Angel Trumpet bloom I was totally amazed. With the flower measuring almost 11 inches across, it was the largest single yellow/orange bloom I had ever encountered. This Momma sized bloom is from a seedling involving a cross between Brugmansia Ludger's Windsong x (Color Point x Double Dark Rosetta) #6.
The photo above shows how the blooms start out on day #1. By the second day the blooms have re-curved and become squatter. The orange color also deepens as the blooms age. The second and third blooms that just recently opened were not quite as large as the first bloom, but they still measured just under 10 inches across and were larger than all the other single yellow/orange brugs I have growing.
The father of this seedling, Color Point x Double Dark Rosetta #6, is a frilly triple white. Because it had some great European genes in it, I used it quite a bit in my hybridizing program last year. I also have two other CPP xDDR seedlings that I am working with. One is a nice triple pink and the other a single soft pink. The pod parent, Ludger's Windsong, is one of my favorite single yellows because of its ruffled edges and long tendrils.

I think this one will be a keeper for sure!
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