Sommer Gardens / Sunday, December 13, 2009 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings A cantaloupe influenced Angel Trumpet Today's featured Angel Trumpet seedling has a rich cantaloupe color. It is a seedling from the cross of brugmansia Pink Perfektion x Cassies Curls. The blooms are slightly fragrant and long lasting. Seeing how this is the first seedling from this cross to bloom, I'll let it hang around for a while just in case I need it to cross back to its siblings. Compared to some of the other "oranges" I have in my watch zone already, I'm not sure this one is special enough to move up to the watch zone. These slimy guys are relentless... Alright Ms. Angel Trumpet, whose your daddy? Print Rate this article: No rating 6759 Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugscassies curlspink perfektionSeedlings