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Fred's Garden Blog

After a nearly five year hiatus, Fred's Garden Blog is back! Now you can enjoy and experience the gardening exploits and adventures of Fred in his quest to hybridize brugmansia and keep his jungle and nursery under control.

Sommer Gardens / Thursday, February 17, 2011 / Categories: Brugmansia

After a near death experience, 'Mobisu' shines

One of the challenges of growing Angel Trumpets in Florida is that we are limited to what is known as the warm weather group of brugmansia.  Actually at times our weather is even too hot for them, but they manage to adapt.

mobisu.jpgKeeping the cool weather group, Sphaerocarpium, alive in Florida can be a real challenge.  One of the cultivars that can be grown in Florida with some TLC is 'Mobisu'.

mobisu-3.jpgI almost lost my Mobisu plant this summer due to fertilizer burn.  What was once a two foot tall plant, turned into a small shoot coming up from the roots. 

mobisu-2.jpgDuring our cooler fall weather my plant rebounded and is now rewarding me with blooms.  Hating to see its blooms fade without being pollinated, I had to scramble to locate some compatible pollen. Thanks to Teresa, a cool weather friend of mine up in Canada, I was able to obtain some sanguinea pollen to dust the new blooms with. 

mobisu-4.jpgI have one other cool weather brugmansia, an arborea, that is now in bud so I should have some additional pollen to use in a few weeks.  Of course miss arborea can be assured that she will be dusted with some Mobisu pollen when she blooms.

I'm hoping I can get a pod or two to set because I would like to grow out a couple generations of cool weather seedlings to see if at least a couple of seedlings will show a better tolerance for heat.

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