Sommer Gardens / Thursday, October 8, 2009 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings Another double pink Angel Trumpet compliments of Butterfly Here's another nice double pink Angel Trumpet with brugmansia Butterfly as the mom. It is a carry over from last year that I have been watching this summer. This seedling is from a Brenda Delph seed cross of brugmansia Butterfly x (Teri Shiavo x Earth Angel).I plant to cross it back to both Teri Shiavo and Earth Angel when the weather cools. I'll decide this fall if it deserves to be named and registered. This Angel Trumpet needs a curling iron... Time to get back down to earth in my world of Angel Trumpets Print Rate this article: No rating 10381 Tags:Angel TrumpetbloomsBrugmansiabrugsButterflyEarth AngelSeedlingsTeri Shiavo