Sommer Gardens / Friday, December 28, 2007 / Categories: Hybridizing, Brugmansia, Seedlings Better with age That's the story with this brugmansia. It is a cross between Miss Caylie and Genevieve and is one of several plants I have growing from this cross. Here's what the flowers looked like when the plant first bloomed in November. It was so ugly it almost ended up in the compost pile. Knowing that the first blooms a seedling produces may not resemble the flowers the plant produces as it matures, I decided to let the plant stay for a couple more rounds of blooms. Over the weekend the second set of blooms started to open, and what a surprise. The one bloom was a monster double measuring over 11 inches across and 15 inches tall. The second bloom had just started to open when I snapped this picture and it is a triple with a separated skirt. As seedlings go it is a fairly large plant reaching seven feet before it bloomed. After this round of blooms it has earned its keep and will now be planted in the ground to be trialled for the summer. I did sneak some pollen in the larger bloom today so we'll see if it is ready to set a seed pod. The Fox and The Hound Anticipation..... Print Rate this article: No rating 6804 Tags:Brugmansiabrugsgenevievemiss caylieseedling