Sommer Gardens / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Categories: Garden Pests, Creatures Helping me get my cats under control! I've been sort of quiet lately as my real job in the event business approaches its seasonal peak and becomes more demanding. I've also encountered a shortage of photogenic blooms thanks to an out of control caterpillar population. Fortunately I have some unsolicited help in my war against cats. This tiny spider is making a meal out of a caterpillar twice it's size.Right now I'm battling a type of inch worm that prefers blooms over foliage. The leaf eaters are just starting to emerge so now I have no choice but to turn to chemical warfare. Next week all my Angel Trumpet plants with get a nice bath of Orthene mixed with a dash of preventative miticide. A Brugmansia Wuppergold Sunrise Spiders Print Rate this article: No rating 9254 Tags:Brugmansiacaterpillarspider