Sommer Gardens / Friday, August 13, 2010 / Categories: Creatures Mr. Toad, fat and content! While out for my stroll tonight I came across this fat and happy toad.What was funny was that as soon as i snapped a couple of pictures, the toad sprung up and did a complete 360 degree back-flip. That is the first time I have seen such acrobats in a toad. Unfortunately I was not able to capture it on film and he was not in the mood for an encore . Toads are my friends and I go out of my way to make sure they are not harmed. One of their main staple foods is slugs and snails. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately me and my plants, I have plenty of both. Brugmansia Lady Liberty has a midnight visitor... Hibiscus Antique Treasure x Cherries 'n Cream Print Rate this article: No rating 36924 Tags:fat toadtoad