Sommer Gardens / Wednesday, December 9, 2009 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings Rothkirch shows his influence in this Angel Trumpet Today's featured Angel Trumpet seedling is one I carried over from 2008 to watch. It is from a cross of brugmansia Genevieve x Rothkirch. Rothkirch is a legendary brugmansia whose genes have enriched dozens of named cultivars. What I like most about this particular cross is the rich pink color and that the color runs all the way up the corolla tube. I plan to cross this one back to several of Rothkirch's siblings to see what the next generation brings. Leave my Brugmansia Bud alone! Decision time for yet another Angel Trumpet Print Rate this article: No rating 7029 Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsgenevieverothkirch