Sommer Gardens / Monday, November 19, 2007 / Categories: Hybridizing, Brugmansia So many blooms, so little time That's my current dilemma as many of my brugmansia plants start their fall blooming cycle. I've been anxiously awaiting the cooler weather to make it easier for my crosses to take. This weekend I focused on my variegated varieties because the blooms were prime. I'm hoping to find some type of variegation in a plant with a pink, yellow/orange or double bloom. I know it is a long shot, but you never know. Here are a few of the many crosses I made:Sun Sport x Axel RoseSun Sport x MayaSun Sport x Taylor DawnSun Sport x CreamsickleSun Sport x ButterflySun Sport x Mt. TreasureSun Sport x Inca SunAxel Rose x Mt. MagicAxel Rose x Mt. TreasureAxel Rose x CreamsickleAxel Rose x ButterflyAxel Rose x Taylor DawnAxel Rose x GoldfinchAxel Rose x Sun SportMt. Treasure x MayaMt. Treasure x Sun SportMt. Treasure x Axel RoseHere's a picture of my Variegated Maya with several recently pollinated blooms:I also made a bunch crosses on Coldfire and Wild Thing.Monday & Tuesday I'll be focusing on Inca Sun in hopes to create more varieties with its early blooming characteristics.Next weekend the focus will be on doubles as I expect many of my new doubles to be in bloom including:Meadow Princess SamPink SmittyEdnaMagnifiqueMasqueradeAmericaNaughty NickDream AngelI guess I'm just a pollinating fool.... These fins are made for walking.... Down with Delta Dawn Print Rate this article: No rating 6737 Tags:Brugmansiabrugspollinating