Sommer Gardens / Saturday, February 19, 2011 / Categories: Brugmansia Super Rose Brumansia has super form Last year I obtained a starter plant of Brumansia Super Rose and now it is finally large enough to bloom.Recently it produced its first bloom and so far I like what I see.Although this Angel Trumpet normally has layered double blooms, this particular bloom was stuffed and never dropped it's second skirt. Brugmansia Super Rose is a Dorothea Langenberg introduction from a cross involving Charleston and L'Amour. With that great parentage, I'm anxious to get this cultivar into my breeding program. One thing I really liked about the bloom was its thick texture. This means the bloom should hold up well in our heat. I also like it's multicolor appearance as the bloom develops. Because I'm in hybridizing mode right now, this bloom was sliced open and pollinated after shooting these photos. As a result, I do not have a photo to share showing a mature bloom with its final color. I can tell you the bloom really colored up nicely after these photos were taken. Gee, I wonder what I'll be doing this weekend...... Variegated Brugmansia 'Grazie' Print Rate this article: No rating 7319 Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugsBrumansiaSuper Rose