Sommer Gardens / Thursday, August 16, 2012 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings This Brugmansia is a hand full of color Here's one of my Angel Trumpet seedlings that has been a standout this summer. It has been a prolific bloomer with thick textured, petite sized butter yellow blooms. The cross is Brugmansia Angels Goldface x Inca Sun.This is just one of many seedlings I have from this cross, and a reverse cross, Brugmansia 'Inca Sun' x 'Angels Goldface' that I have placed into my watch zone. I still have at least 10 seedlings from those two crosses that have yet to bloom, and I'm certain a few of them will earn their way into my watch zone. A new variegated Brugmansia finally blooms An Angel Trumpet to rival our summer sun Print Rate this article: No rating 9304 Tags:Angel TrumpetAngels GoldfacebrugBrugmansiainca sun