Sommer Gardens / Saturday, November 3, 2012 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings A Flaming Angel Trumpet A quick glance at this new Angel Trumpet seedling gives you the impression the bloom is on fire! This super-sized bloom is from a cross I made between Brugmansia ('Inca Sun' x 'Lemon Meringue') x 'Herbstzauber'.So far the long corolla teeth have not re-curved so the illusion of flames continues through the bloom cycle. These photos were captured a few weeks ago when the weather was still warm. This seedling is starting a new bloom cycle now and with our cooler nights, the new blooms are more orange in color.I like the looks of this new Brugmansia seedling so I plan to carry it through winter in my watch zone. Brugmansia 'Jessie Noel' x 'New Orleans Lady' If you like them big, you'll like this Brugmansia Print Rate this article: No rating 9814 Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiaHerbstzauberinca sunLemon Meringue