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Mutant in paradise... Mutant in paradise...

Mutant in paradise...

Last season I ramped up my brugmansia hybridizing efforts using brugmansias with mutant and deeply serrated foliage.  The results of those...

Fred's Garden Blog

After a nearly five year hiatus, Fred's Garden Blog is back! Now you can enjoy and experience the gardening exploits and adventures of Fred in his quest to hybridize brugmansia and keep his jungle and nursery under control.

Sommer Gardens / Thursday, July 29, 2010 / Categories: Brugmansia, Weather

An Angel Trumpet Sunset...

Florida has some of the most beautiful sunsets you'll ever encounter.  Here's some recent shots I took while strolling through my Brugmansia forest at sundown.

angeltrumpetsunset.jpgIt is almost as if the sky is on fire..

angeltrumpetsunset-2.jpgOf course if I was living in southern California I would be afraid that the sky may actually be on fire...

angeltrumpetsunset-3.jpgSunrise and sundown are the best time of day to admire Angel Trumpets during our hot Florida summers.


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