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Fred's Garden Blog

After a nearly five year hiatus, Fred's Garden Blog is back! Now you can enjoy and experience the gardening exploits and adventures of Fred in his quest to hybridize brugmansia and keep his jungle and nursery under control.

Sommer Gardens / Tuesday, December 1, 2009 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings

An Angel Trumpet two for Tuesday

When you have multiple Angel Trumpet seedlings growing from the same cross, it is not uncommon to have different seedlings come into bloom at the same time.  Today's featured brugmansia seedlings are both from the same cross involving brugmansia Rubirosa x Adeline.  The first seedling's bloom was a real eye catcher. 

rubirosaxadeline1.jpgAfter a couple of days the bloom became more flouncy as you can see in the picture below.  Since that photo was taken, the color also worked its way up towards the calyx.

rubirosaxadeline1-2.jpg The second seedling from this cross started out the same way as the first, however it never graduated from the stacked look it had below.  It has another bud just starting to open so we'll see what happens.


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