Sommer Gardens / Friday, December 4, 2009 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings This Angel Trumpet has piqued my curiosity.... This Angel Trumpet seedling's bloom has a striking resemblance to the first blooms of another seedling involving The Chief that I recently registered. That cross was featured here back in October. I named it Lizzy and it was an offspring from a cross involving brugmansia Rubirosa x The Chief. Today's featured Angel Trumpet is from a cross of Brugmansia Pink Smitty x The Chief. It is too early to tell if I have another winner on my hands. The first bloom, pictured below, was a triple. It was really nothing special but the second bloom that should open soon, already has a much improved form. I will be watching this one closely. An Angel Trumpet two for Tuesday A look of confidence Print Rate this article: No rating 18486 Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsPINK SMITTYthe chief