Thursday, May 3, 2012 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 10952 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Angel Trumpet Pink Smitty x (Dark Rosetta x Super Pink) Here's a nice double pink Angel Trumpet I've been watching for a couple of years now. It is a seedling from a cross I made between Brugmansia Pink Smitty x (Dark Rosetta x Super Pink).The blooms have great form and substance, and have held up well in our Florida heat. I especially like the long corolla tube and the fact that the corolla skirts are not stuffed. Stuffed blooms struggle here during our hot steamy summers and often end up rotting in the center before they have a chance to ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiadark rosettaPINK SMITTYsuper pink Read more
Thursday, May 3, 2012 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 8862 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating A soon to be registered Angel Trumpet shows its colors Next up on my soon to be named and registered list is this Angel Trumpet seedling from a cross I made between Brugmansia Pink Smitty and Lizzy.The blooms are medium is size and compact. They hold up well in the heat and the plant has remained relatively pest free, all great traits to have in a new brugmansia. One feature I really like about this seedling is that so far the plants have remained below 6 feet tall. In contrast, my Lizzy plants easily reach 8 feet tall during the course of a ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbloomsbrugBrugmansiaLizzyPINK SMITTYseedling Read more
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 9984 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Wow, from snow white to golden orange in one day Looking at the photo below you would never guess that this Angel Trumpet seedling was snow white for a couple of days before turning gold overnight. The cross is Brugmansia Orange Sunshine x Pink Smitty.Here's what this seedling looked like the previous day, snow white without a hint of color. Reflecting back it was sort of funny because at the time I was examining it and trying to determine if this white brugmansia was worthy of keeping. I carried this seedling over from 2010 but had ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiaORANGE SUNSHINEPINK SMITTY Read more
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 9884 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Brugmansia Pink Smitty x Rubirosa I've been watching this Angel Trumpet seedling grow and bloom for the past two years and decided it is ready to be moved from my watch zone to keeper status. This seedling resulted from a cross I made between Brugmansia Pink Smitty x Rubirosa.This seedling has plenty of good traits, one of which is that it is a bloomaholic. It is also a fast grower and has remained relatively pest free here in Florida and thrives in the heat.Watch this one to be named and officially registered by summer. Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiaPINK SMITTYrubirosa Read more
Sunday, February 5, 2012 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 17976 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Brugmansia White Cloud x Pink Smitty A recent bloomer in my brug house was this seedling from a cross I made between Brugmansia White Cloud x Pink Smitty.While the blooms may not be super special, they are thick textured and long lasting. Right now they are a soft pink color so we'll have to wait a few months to see if the color deepens in warm weather.This one will most likely be placed in my farmers market group. That group contains plants that are too nice to compost. I may sell those at a couple of farmers markets or ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiaPINK SMITTYWhite cloud Read more
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 8156 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating An Angel Trumpet that totally wowed me last night Every so often a new Angel Trumpet seedling comes in to bloom for the first time and totally wows me. I was wowed big time last night when I spotted this bloom on a Brugmansia Rosalie x (Pink Smitty x Miss Ellie) #1 seedling. I was making my final rounds last night looking for blooms to pollinate almost missed seeing this one. It was at the top of an 8 foot tall plant partially hidden by its giant leaves. Fortunately my bright headlamp illuminated the bloom face in passing and it ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiabrugsdouble orangehybridizingmiss elliePINK SMITTY Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7283 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Orange Zest x (Pink Smitty x Miss Ellie)#1 This new Angel Trumpet seedling was carried over from last year and is continuing to evolve into a winner. It is from a cross I made between Brugmansia Orange Zest and a soon to be named and registered seedling, (Pink Smitty x Miss Ellie)#1.I especially like the crepe paper like blooms and the creamy yellow color of the corolla tube.This seedling is currently thriving in our sauna like summer weather. The blooms are medium in size and long lasting. I'll keep this one in my watch zone this ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsMiss Eliieorange zestPINK SMITTY Read more
Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7155 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Brugmansia Cherub continues to influence her offspring Here is another offspring from the many crosses I made with Brugmansia 'Cherub'. This angel trumpet seedling is from a cross of Brumansia 'Cherub' x (Pink Smitty x Miss Ellie) #1.The picture above was taken on day one before it was fully open. As you have most likely guessed, this bloom was sliced open after I shot these photos so it could be pollinated. :) The bloom did open up to a very nice full double. The blooms on this seedling are medium in size and remain the soft pink color ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugsBrumansiaCherubmiss elliePINK SMITTYsommer gardens Read more