Sommer Gardens / Thursday, October 28, 2010 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings Angel Trumpet Lizzy puts on a show Brugmansia Lizzy is one great brug! It blooms more than any double/triple brugmansia I have in my collection...and I have lots. Here are a couple of photos I shot last night. Despite having 3 consecutive days of record setting high temperatures, the blooms still look fresh. Lizzy is an Angel Trumpet that I grew from seed and registered last year. It came from a Liz Fichtl cross involving Brugmansia Rubirosa x The Chief. The plant is a vigorous grower and has stayed pest free. I hope to use Lizzy extensively in my fall breeding program. It was not a big pollen producer last fall, so most of the crosses I made involved Lizzy as the pod parent. Unfortunately I lost most of those pods in last year's freeze. I do have a few second generation seedlings growing now and I may see blooms on a couple of them before the end of the year. After taking the pictures I sliced the blooms open and found some nice pollen. I gathered all the pollen I could so now I'll be able to make the crosses I want when the weather cools back down. I did not expend the time or energy to dust any of these blooms with pollen because of the current hot spell we are under.I really want to see a clone of this bloom in yellow! A fluffy Halloween Orange Angel Trumpet If only spiders could talk.... Print Rate this article: No rating 7458 Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiabrugsLizzyrubirosathe chief