Sommer Gardens / Thursday, January 26, 2012 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings A monsterous new Angel Trumpet A recent bloomer in my Angel Trumpet forest was this seedling from a cross made between Brugmansia Miss B Haven x Daydreams. The blooms are giant in size and the one pictured above was at least 10 inches across. The one shown below was equally as wide with a length to match. The plant is also on the larger size and this seedling easily reached 8 feet tall before blooming for the first time. I plan to cross this one back to several other large flowered cultivars I have to see if I can create a few more monsters. I would also like to see if I can get some color into the next generation of seedlings.The blooms seem to be equally split between compact and separated corolla skirts. Perhaps after a few more bloom cycles the plant will settle down and produce more consistent blooms. An Angel Trumpet influenced by two great ladies A Brugmansia with corkscrew teeth Print Rate this article: No rating 7625 Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiadaydreamsMiss B Haven