Sommer Gardens / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings A sleek Brugmansia Butterfly x Angels Exotic seedling Here is a rather dramatic Angel Trumpet bloom from a cross I made between Brugmansia Butterfly x Angels Exotic.I'm growing out a bunch of Angel Trumpet seedlings from this same cross and many are already in my watch zone because of their beauty. This cross of Brugmansia Butterfly x Angels Exotic has produced quite a diverse set of seedlings. With 8-10 additional seedlings expected to bloom for the first time this fall, I'm certain the diversity will continue. I'm liking this Brugmansia seedling more and more A curly Brugmansia Super Pink x Langenbuscher Garten seedling Print Rate this article: No rating 6174 Tags:Angel TrumpetAngels ExoticBrugmansiabrugsButterfly