Sommer Gardens / Thursday, April 14, 2011 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings An unknown Angel Trumpet that stands out from the others. Here is a nice unknown Angel Trumpet that I feel is worthy of watching, even though I do not know the parentage.I have a bunch of seedlings growing that have lost their tags, or have tags that have completely faded. This unknown seedling was one that was too good to overlook. The soft pink porcelain looking blooms are displayed prominently in a mostly horizontal position. In a recent flush the plant had so many blooms on it you could hardly see the foliage.Even though this seedling is an unknown, I plan to keep it in my watch zone to see how it performs the rest of the summer. Brugmansia Cherub meets Orange Parfait Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Rubirosa x New Orleans Lady Print Rate this article: No rating 8839 Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsnoidsingle pinkUnknown Pink