Sommer Gardens / Thursday, April 14, 2011 / Categories: Brugmansia Brugmansia Angels Endless Summer Brugmansia Angels Endless Summer is a hybrid Angel Trumpet from German Hybridizer Anne Kirchner-Abel. It is currently showing off its second flush of blooms for this season.I have a bunch of Anne Kirchner-Abel hybrids in my collection and most are also being used in my hybridizing program. Her cultivars all seem to thrive here in Florida so the genes are a great addition to our existing gene pool..The blooms age to a nice orange and if you look closely you can even see a tinge of pink in the lower skirts. One of the recent blooms piqued my interest because a quarter of it was pink as you can see below. I have not seen that in a bloom before. I wish I knew the parentage of the cross so I could research where the pink came from. Unfortunately Anne Kirchner-Abel does not publish the parentage of her crosses so it will forever remain a mystery. I guess you could call this Angel Trumpet an exotic butterfly Brugmansia Brautwalzer returns from a near death experience Print Rate this article: 5.0 12126 Tags:akaAngel TrumpetAngels Endless SummerAnne Kirchner-AbelBrugmansiabrugssommer gardens