Sommer Gardens / Thursday, April 14, 2011 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings Brugmansia Pink Smitty with a Lemon Twist Angel Trumpet Lemon Twist has a rather unique Aurea style bloom that enticed me to use it in a bunch of crosses back in 2009. Here is the results from one of those crosses, Brugmansia 'Lemon Twist' x 'Pink Smitty'.Like its mother, this seedling has waxy, horizontal style blooms. As you can see by the photos, the blooms are a very soft pink with just a hint of yellow. It will be interesting to see how the color develops over the next couple of bloom cycles.I have a few more seedlings from this cross that have yet to bloom. I'm still hoping one may be a double yellow, Aurea style bloom. If you like your Angel Trumpets white and flouncy... A Brugmansia rain catcher Print Rate this article: No rating 8108 Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsLemon TwistPINK SMITTY