Sommer Gardens / Friday, November 30, 2012 / Categories: Brugmansia Seedlings, Brugmansia, Seedlings Getter better with every bloom flush I placed this Brugmansia 'Angels Swingtime' x ('Shooting Star' x 'New Orleans Lady') seedling in my watch zone this summer and it has been rewarding me with lots of beautiful blooms.When it first started to bloom the blooms were mostly doubles. AS the seedling is maturing the blooms are now mostly triples. The color is still a vibrant orange that extends all the way up the corolla tube. The blooms are long lasting with a thicker texture. The plant has been a vigorous grower with dark green foliage. If it continues to perform as well through the winter and into spring, this seedling may end up on my "to be registered" list. Meanwhile I'll most likely make a few crosses with it to see if it has potential in my breeding program. A beautiful Thanksgiving Angel Trumpet Brugmansia 'Joli' x 'Daydreams' shows off some elegant blooms Print Rate this article: No rating 8532 Tags:Angel TrumpetbloomsBrugmansiaSeedlings