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Fred's Garden Blog

After a nearly five year hiatus, Fred's Garden Blog is back! Now you can enjoy and experience the gardening exploits and adventures of Fred in his quest to hybridize brugmansia and keep his jungle and nursery under control.

Sommer Gardens / Thursday, March 17, 2011 / Categories: Ramblings, Creatures

How to deal with a home invader...

It's easy, just catch them with a trap and transport them away to a new location!

unwantedvisitor.jpgRecently I started noticing my cat's food was disappearing at an astonishing rate.  My cat is not a big eater so I knew something strange was going on.  Perhaps the half eaten dog biscuit I found in the kitchen sink should have been a tip-off as to who was to blame.

I borrowed a small animal trap from a friend and set it up in my kitchen before going to bed.   A few hours later I awoke to a ruckus as this rather jumbo sized raccoon was trying to find a way to escape from his new home.  Later that morning I drove him a few miles away from my house and released him.  I reset the trap again for night two and low and behold, his mate ended up in the trap as well!  It has now been over a week since I captured these two and so far no other creatures have ventured into the trap.
I live in our old family home that was built in the 20's, and it happens to be in a somewhat state of disrepair.  Unfortunately it is really not a challenge for a creature to find a way to infiltrate my living space.

Now I need to move the trap out to my brug growing area where a family of armadillos is reeking havoc.
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