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Mutant in paradise... Mutant in paradise...

Mutant in paradise...

Last season I ramped up my brugmansia hybridizing efforts using brugmansias with mutant and deeply serrated foliage.  The results of those...

Fred's Garden Blog

After a nearly five year hiatus, Fred's Garden Blog is back! Now you can enjoy and experience the gardening exploits and adventures of Fred in his quest to hybridize brugmansia and keep his jungle and nursery under control.

Sommer Gardens / Monday, July 9, 2012 / Categories: Garden Pests

Spider on patrol

I'm sure he is eying that plump little fruit fly that is buzzing towards him for a midnight snack...or perhaps he's got his eye on the one off to his right?

Actually the spiders have gotten out of control amongst my brugmansia plants, especially the crab spiders. It is nearly impossible to walk down the isles without running into several spider webs. 

crabspider.jpgI lost count as to how many times I've felt one these pointy crab spiders scurrying across my face. If I would look straight ahead rather than gaze off to either side in search of new Angel Trumpet blooms I wouldn't have the problem.

Unfortunately for the spiders I just applied a preventative pest and fungal spray to my brugs. I know that will have a major impact on the current spider population.

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