Sommer Gardens / Sunday, January 27, 2013 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings This Brugmansia raises the bar in 2013 Every so often I spot a new Angel Trumpet bloom that really wows me. This seedling from a cross I made between Brugmansia 'Jazzy' x 'America' did just that when I returned from a recent business trip. This seedling is from 2009 and fortunately made it through that winter's devastating freeze. That freeze was a major set-back to my hybridizing program, killing about 80% of my seedlings including many unique crosses from Brenda Delph and Delisa Harvey. The parents, Brugmansia 'Jazzy' and 'America' were on my favorites list when I made this cross. Brugmansia 'Jazzy' was nice single yellow/orange with crazy corolla teeth. Brugmansia 'America' is a beautiful multi-skirted white introduced by Alice Harris. One trait I really like about this seedling is that it was orange from the start. Often blooms will start out cream and change colors as the blooms mature. This bloom was orange from the day it first started opening. Brugmansia 'Jazzy' x 'America' has raised the bar for my expectations in 2013. With hundreds of new brugmansia seedlings set to bloom for the first time this spring, they are going to have a tough time beating the looks of this one. Another Brugmansia earns keeper status Brugmansia 'Kleine Lady' x 'Herenhauser Gold' Print Rate this article: 5.0 14612