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Mutant in paradise... Mutant in paradise...

Mutant in paradise...

Last season I ramped up my brugmansia hybridizing efforts using brugmansias with mutant and deeply serrated foliage.  The results of those...

Fred's Garden Blog

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Sommer Gardens / Friday, October 15, 2010 / Categories: Seedlings

Unkempt is cool with this Angel Trumpet

Sometimes when a new Brugmansia seedling blooms, it is love at first sight. That was certainly not the case with this seedling from a 2007 Brenda Delph cross involving Brugmansia Adeline x Miss Caylie.

adelinexmisscaylie.jpgAs you can see the blooms have a wrinkled and unkempt look to them.  At first I thought this may be something the plant would grow out of as the plant matured. Last fall I actually tagged the plant to be culled when I had time. I have a real hard time tossing plants tagged to be culled so I just left this Angel Trumpet grow.

adelinexmisscaylie-2.jpgThis Angel Trumpet seedling has really impressed me this summer and it stands out from the dozens of other single pink seedlings that have bloomed in close proximity to this one. Now I'm actually thinking this Brugmansia seedling is worthy of being named and registered.

adelinexmisscaylie-3.jpg At ten feet tall, the seedling towers above the others.  The blooms are average to above average in size and have a slight fragrance.  It has other good traits as well like heat tolerance and bug and disease resistance.

So what do you think, should it be named and registered or should I just plant it in my yard for my own enjoyment?

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