Sunday, June 24, 2012 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 20852 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating To kill or not to kill? That was the dilemma I was faced with the other night when I spotted this giant treefrog clinging to the shade cloth on my greenhouse.I'm not a big fan of killing things, especially beneficial creatures like treefrogs. But then again, the size of this frog and the large toe pads made me think it may be a Cuban treefrog. The Cuban treefrog is an invasive species of treefrog that is colonizing Florida. It will eat practically anything that will fit in its mouth, including our native ... Categories:Creatures Tags:cuban tree frogtree frogtreefrog Read more
Sunday, December 27, 2009 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7217 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Another one gets away! Seeing how it is New Year's Eve, you may be thinking I'm talking about the year 2009, but I'm not. I'm talking about another darn Cuban Tree Frog! Who knows, this could be the same one I've let escape a few times already this year.With eyes like those looking at you, how on earth could you snuff this poor guy out???? If you followed my earlier posts you know they are an invasive species that is working its way up the state. When found, we are supposed to destroy them. Actually, ... Categories:Garden PestsCreatures Tags:cuban tree frogfrogivasive speciestreee frog Read more
Friday, October 16, 2009 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 17258 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating The one that got away... A week or so ago I posted picture of an unknown tree frog I thought may have been a Cuban Tree Frog, an invasive species that has gained a foothold here in Florida. If found we are supposed to catch and destroy them. The previous frog I spotted ended up being a native one so I let it be. This afternoon I spotted another tree frog that seemed odd to me. After snapping a few photos I went inside to see if i could ID it on the web. Much to my surprise this one fits the description of the ... Categories:Creatures Tags:cuban tree frog Read more