Sunday, July 22, 2012 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 9070 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Introducing Brugmansia 'Buttercup' Meet Sommer Gardens' newest Introduction, Brugmansia 'Buttercup'! 'Buttercup' was recently registered with the International Brugmansia and Datura Society ( 'Buttercup' evolved from an Angel Trumpet seedling I grew out from a Brenda Delph cross of Brugmansia 'Lady Liberty' x 'Jamies Monkey Business'. The photo above shows the cool weather color and the bloom form on the first day the bloom opens. In the warmer summer months the blooms are more of a cream color. As ... Categories:BrugmansiaNew Introductions Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiaButtercupjamies monkey businesslady liberty Read more
Friday, March 4, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 8081 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Striking gold with this beautiful Angel Trumpet Here's a nice single yellow Angel Trumpet seedling I carried over from 2010. It is from a cross involving Brugmansia (Serendipity x Peanut) x Jamies Monkey Business.I carried this one over because the blooms had great form and the soft yellow color carried all the way through the corolla tube.Another plus for this seedling was the fact that the blooms stayed yellow throughout their life cycle. Often yellow brugmansia cultivars develop orange tones as they mature. I have so many great ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:angels trumpetbrugBrugmansiajamies monkey businesspeanutserendipity Read more
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 6649 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Could this Angel Trumpet be made out of porcelain? Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ... Categories:Brugmansia Tags:americaAngel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiabrugsjamies monkey business Read more
Saturday, November 6, 2010 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 18175 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Unwanted help with my Angel Trumpet hybridizing program During my recent Bloomapalooza I was overwhelmed with honey bees. I think the northern bee farmers are already relocating their hives to Florida for the winter.This lone bee is sipping away on a new bloom from a Brugmansia Jamies Monkey Business x Day Dreams seedling. I think I'm going to have lots of rogue seed pods this spring. That can be a good thing because I will harvest the pods and donate the seeds to the International Brugmansia & Datura Society ( so they can give them ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlingsGarden Pests Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiabrugsDay Dreamsjamies monkey business Read more
Sunday, May 30, 2010 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 8688 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating A buttery Brugmansia treat My Brugmansia seedlings are slowly coming back into bloom after this past winter's devastating freezes. The first to bloom are repeats, seedlings that bloomed for the first time last fall. Here's one that I put it my keeper zone last year to see how it performs this this summer. It is a seedling from a cross made by Brenda Delph involving Brugmansia Lady Liberty and Jamie's Monkey Business..The blooms are a light butter yellow color with a thick texture. Now that our temperatures are up ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugmansia seedlingsbrugsjamies monkey businesslady liberty Read more