Sommer Gardens / Wednesday, December 9, 2009 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings The many faces of an Angel Trumpet cross As I have mentioned before, the Angel Trumpet cross between brugmansia Orange Sunshine x Pink Smitty is one where I am growing out an entire seed pod so that I can document the wide variety of blooms a single cross will produce. I can't remember the exact count, but I know I have well over 100 seedlings from this cross growing. So far most of the seedlings that have bloomed from this cross have been single or double whites. None have earned a spot in my keeper zone, but a few are worthy of saving for the spring plant sales I plan to sell at next year.Today's featured brugmansia seedling from this Orange Sunshine x Pink Smitty cross is the first to show some strong color. It is not a real bright orange, but it's cream center makes it stand out. I like the ruffled look of the bloom as well. I'm not sure if it is special enough to keep, but it is worth watching for a while.I have plenty more seedlings from this cross left to bloom. I'm anxious to see if I get more color with the seedlings that bloom later. I've been wondering if the white seedlings are more vigorous growers and hence the reason why they bloom first? Stay tuned next year when I crunch the numbers. Decision time for yet another Angel Trumpet These slimy guys are relentless... Print Rate this article: No rating 6771 Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiabrugsORANGE SUNSHINEPINK SMITTY