Thursday, May 26, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7492 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Mr. Toad eyes a mid-afternoon snack It looks like this toad has a choice of snacks, two juicy snails. Snails are a major pest problem for me each summer and it just so happens that toads love to eat snails. I sure wish I could clone these guys! Categories:Creatures Tags:garden snailsnailstoad Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7180 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating A bug on a brug I'm not sure what role this colorful, yet menacing looking creature plays in the insect food chain. It does not look like the type of insect that wants to munch on my plants so I let it be. I'm certain it is more interested in other bugs that may be harming my Angel Trumpets. It looks as if it has staked claim to this brugmansia leaf and will do whatever it takes to protect its turf. I did not notice a stinger so that is a good sign that I may never be a victim. Categories:Creatures Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiainsect Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 10526 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating This new double yellow Angel Trumpet will "wow" you My Angel Trumpet seedlings have rewarded me with a bunch of promising yellow/orange blooms this year. Out of the entire lot, this one stands out above the rest. It is a seedling from a cross involving Brugmansia Day Dreams x Ludger's Windsong.Often yellow brugmansia blooms take on some orange coloration as they age, but not this one. This seedling stays yellow from start to finish.The blooms are medium in size and long lasting, even in our Florida heat. So far it has been a great ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsDay Dreamsdouble yellowludger's windsongseedling Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7367 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Rubirosa x Ludger's Windsong This new angel trumpet seedling recently produced an impressive display of blooms. It is from a cross I made between Brugmansia 'Rubirosa' x 'Ludger's Windsong'.As you can see it has it's father's style including Ludger's Windsong's crazy corolla teeth.At first I thought the blooms were going to stay snow white, but after a couple of days of aging they picked up a slight apricot color. Seeing how this was the first flush for this seedling, the final color is likely to change as the seedling ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsludger's windsongrubirosa Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7287 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Orange Zest x (Pink Smitty x Miss Ellie)#1 This new Angel Trumpet seedling was carried over from last year and is continuing to evolve into a winner. It is from a cross I made between Brugmansia Orange Zest and a soon to be named and registered seedling, (Pink Smitty x Miss Ellie)#1.I especially like the crepe paper like blooms and the creamy yellow color of the corolla tube.This seedling is currently thriving in our sauna like summer weather. The blooms are medium in size and long lasting. I'll keep this one in my watch zone this ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsMiss Eliieorange zestPINK SMITTY Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 8492 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating This Angel Trumpet is a keeper for sure! Here's one of my favorite double pink Angel Trumpets I have growing in my watch zone. It is from a cross between Brugmansia Butterfly x (Terri Shiavo x Earth Angel). I have been watching this Angel Trumpet seedling perform for over two years and now it is time to set if free. Once i dream up a suitable name for it I plan to officially register and release it.The blooms are large and full and hold up extremely well here in the Florida heat. Like many pink brugmansia, the color deepens ... Categories:Seedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsButterflyEarth AngelTerri Shiavo Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7047 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating A golden Angel Trumpet gets closer to being a keeper I have several seedlings from a cross I made between Brugmansia Ludger's Windsong and (Color Point x Double Dark Rosetta) that have made it into my watch zone last year. Here is seedling #5, one that is getting closer to earning keeper status. As you can see Ludger's Windsong had a strong influence on this seedling with its similar coloration and wild corolla teeth. I'm really liking the looks of this one and anxious to see how it performs during our sauna like summer. Categories:Seedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsColor Pointdouble dark rosettaludger's windsong Read more
Friday, May 13, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7265 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Another impressive Golden Angel Trumpet seedling Here's another golden Angel Trumpet from last year's watch zone that recently bloomed. I can't tell you the name of the cross this Brugmansia seedling came from right now because the plant tag is missing, but with a little photo research I know I'll be able to identify it. The fact that it was placed in my watch zone means I have photos of it in my archive.The blooms are actually more yellow than the picture shows and are on the larger size. They have great form and substance and hold up ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugs Read more