Sommer Gardens / Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings A double orange Angel Trumpet with whiskers This past week I have had several new yellow/orange Angel Trumpet seedlings bloom that show promise. Here's one that made it to my watch list. It is from a cross of Brugmansia (Bert x Unknown) x America.Unfortunately I do not have additional photos showing how the bloom matured because I sliced these open to harvest their pollen and then dust them with some other pollen. The final color ended up being a nice rich orange color.I have other seedlings from this same cross that should be blooming soon. I'm still hoping for a yellow or orange version of Brugmansia America. :) Brugmansia Pink Perfektion meets Orange Sunshine Bud Bed Print Rate this article: No rating 8370 Tags:americaAngel TrumpetbertBrugmansiabrugs