Sommer Gardens / Friday, March 4, 2011 / Categories: Brugmansia, Seedlings Brugmansia Butterfly x Joli has great form Here's a rather formal looking bloom from a Brugmansia Butterfly x Joli cross. The blooms are medium in size and thick textured.As these Angel Trumpet blooms matured the corolla tube colored up nicely. While I was examining the bloom closer the texture and color reminded me of Rosalie. I'm certain the double genes came from the father as Joli often throws double blooms. I have several other Brugmansia Butterfly x Joli seedlings that have recently bloomed so I crossed this one back to one of its siblings. Whenever I have multiple seedlings from the same cross in bloom, I often cross the siblings back to each other in hopes that a second generation seedling will appear that has the quality traits of both. I'm really liking this Angel Trumpet lots! It's a yellow Angel Trumpet fiesta! Print Rate this article: No rating 8060 Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsButterflyjoli