Thursday, November 10, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7588 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating A jumbo-sized Angel Trumpet with unknown parentage I have a bunch of new double pink seedlings in bloom right now and this one has the largest blooms of all of them.Unfortunately it is missing a tag so the parentage is unknown. I hate when that happens to a promising seedling. Even though the parentage may be unknown, if I think the seedling has promise, I will still carry it forward and decide later if it is worthy of naming and registering, or using it in my breeding program.I believe the blooms on this seedling are larger than those of ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetbrugBrugmansiadouble pink Read more
Monday, July 18, 2011 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 13560 / Comments: / Article rating: 1.0 Wupperstolz blooms! I was finally able to see a bloom on my Brugmansia Wupperstolz plant. While the bloom was showing signs from taking a beating from our summer heat and thunderstorms, it still shows the potential beauty of this variegated Angel Trumpet. When Wupperstolz bloomed for the first time a few weeks ago, I was out of town for work so I never was able to see the fully open bloom. Besides the bloom that is open now I hope to see a few more later this week if the buds hold. Blooming to the right of ... Categories:Brugmansia Tags:Angel Trumpetangels flightapricot queenBrugmansiabrugsdouble pinkvariegatedwupperstolz Read more