Sunday, December 19, 2010 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7300 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Dealing with Posttraumatic Freeze Disorder (continued) How can you not help but feel better when Langenbuscher Garten is in bloom?Here it is again with Brugmansia Angel's Exotic in the background. Angel's Exotic blooms nearly red in the in the summer, but in winter the blooms are a light pink.Here's a promising new white Angel Trumpet from a cross involving Brugmansia Orange Zest x Genevieve.Brugmansia Flame has beautiful blooms, but it could use some additional color. I have seed pods forming on Flame that could give these blooms the ... Categories:Brugmansia Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsherenhauserlangenbuscher Read more