Thursday, October 28, 2010 / Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7598 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating Angel Trumpets show their fall colors Seeing how we do not have the traditional fall color change down here in Florida, I have decided share photos of the golden color we do have. During the next 7-10 days I'm going share photos of golden colored Angel Trumpet blooms. They will all be from seedlings that have either just recently bloomed, or are currently in bloom. I'll start with a photo from this very promising Angel Trumpet seedling involving a cross between Brugmansia Ludger's Windsong x (Ludger's Summer Dream x ... Categories:BrugmansiaSeedlings Tags:Angel TrumpetBrugmansiabrugsCreamsicleludgerswindsongxludgerssummerdreamxcreamLudger's Summer Dreamludger's windsong Read more