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Mutant in paradise... Mutant in paradise...

Mutant in paradise...

Last season I ramped up my brugmansia hybridizing efforts using brugmansias with mutant and deeply serrated foliage.  The results of those...
Just what I need, another garden vice... Just what I need, another garden vice...

Just what I need, another garden vice...

Just what I need on my already overflowing plate, another garden vice! I'm totally swamped with my brugmansia hybridizing program  yet I...
An elegant brugmansia seedling earns keeper status An elegant brugmansia seedling earns keeper status

An elegant brugmansia seedling earns keeper status

I've been watching this brugmansia seedling perform for several years now and decided it was time to make it a keeper!
Looking back into the past.... Looking back into the past....

Looking back into the past....

It is hard to imagine that it has been nearly 5 years since I was actively posting to my garden blog. Today is the start of a new era as I commit to...
Introducing Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea' Introducing Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea'

Introducing Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea'

Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea' is a recent Sommer Gardens introduction with nearly red double blooms.  When you see the photo album below...

Fred's Garden Blog

After a nearly five year hiatus, Fred's Garden Blog is back! Now you can enjoy and experience the gardening exploits and adventures of Fred in his quest to hybridize brugmansia and keep his jungle and nursery under control.

/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 10289 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

This new Angel Trumpet is on fire!

This Angel Trumpet seedling is a sibling to one I featured last month. It was placed in my watch zone last Spring and since then it has developed into a real gem.  The cross is Brugmansia Cassies Curls x (Ludger's Summer Dream x Creamsicle).The bloom on the left almost appears as if it is a dancing flame.  Another trait that I really like with these blooms is that the color extends all the way up the corolla tube.  I plan to continue to watch this one into the summer before deciding if it is ...
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 10042 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

A new Angel Trumpet with great color, form and substance

One of the more striking blooms appearing in my watch zone this week was this one on an Angel Trumpet seedling I carried over from last summer.  The cross is Brugmansia Cassies Curls x (Ludger's Summer Dream x Creamsicle).The blooms are thick textured with the deep orange color extending all the way up the corolla tube. The bloom form is simple with an inner skirt that is often split.  I have several seedlings from this same cross in my watch zone.  All have the same rich color, but with ...
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 9282 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

Cooler weather means cooler colors for my Angel Trumpets

Now that our nights are cooling off I'm starting to see lots of color in my field of Angel Trumpets.  Here is a new seedling that caught my eye this weekend when I first spotted its blooms.  It is the result of a cross I made between Brugmansia Cassie's Curls and (Ludger's Summer Dream x Creamsicle). So far the blooms have all been doubles with layered skirts and wild corolla teeth.  The pollen parent of this cross, a Brugmansia Ludger's Summer Dream x Creamsicle seedling I have been ...
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 6945 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

Look what Santa brought me!

I guess I must have been a good boy this year because I have a great new bright orange Brugmansia seedling in bloom.  This beautiful Angel Trumpet bloom is from a seedling from a cross of Ludger's Windsong x (Ludger's Summer Dream x Creamsicle).As you can see by the photo below this seedling is a nice triple.  The bright Orange color is consistent throughout the bloom.I'm really looking forward to seeing how this seedling develops. I'm already watching a couple of other seedlings with ...
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7598 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

Angel Trumpets show their fall colors

Seeing how we do not have the traditional fall color change down here in Florida, I have decided share photos of the golden color we do have.  During the next 7-10 days I'm going share photos of golden colored Angel Trumpet blooms.  They will all be from seedlings that have either just recently bloomed, or are currently in bloom.  I'll start with a photo from this very promising Angel Trumpet seedling involving a cross between Brugmansia Ludger's Windsong x (Ludger's Summer Dream x ...
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7366 / Comments: / Article rating: 3.3

An Angel Trumpet on LSD

No I'm not referencing the acid LSD, I'm talking about another form of LSD.  LSD is the abbreviation for the Angel Trumpet Ludger's Summer Dream, a nice single yellow/orange introduced by Brenda Delph.  It was just one of her many "monkey crosses"  she grew from seed from brugmansia crosses made by Ludger Schneider of Germany.  This seedling is from a brugmansia cross involving Ludger's Summer Dream x Creamsicle.  When you first glance at this flower bud you would think the plant was having ...

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