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Mutant in paradise... Mutant in paradise...

Mutant in paradise...

Last season I ramped up my brugmansia hybridizing efforts using brugmansias with mutant and deeply serrated foliage.  The results of those...
Just what I need, another garden vice... Just what I need, another garden vice...

Just what I need, another garden vice...

Just what I need on my already overflowing plate, another garden vice! I'm totally swamped with my brugmansia hybridizing program  yet I...
An elegant brugmansia seedling earns keeper status An elegant brugmansia seedling earns keeper status

An elegant brugmansia seedling earns keeper status

I've been watching this brugmansia seedling perform for several years now and decided it was time to make it a keeper!
Looking back into the past.... Looking back into the past....

Looking back into the past....

It is hard to imagine that it has been nearly 5 years since I was actively posting to my garden blog. Today is the start of a new era as I commit to...
Introducing Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea' Introducing Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea'

Introducing Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea'

Brugmansia 'Audrey Lea' is a recent Sommer Gardens introduction with nearly red double blooms.  When you see the photo album below...

Fred's Garden Blog

After a nearly five year hiatus, Fred's Garden Blog is back! Now you can enjoy and experience the gardening exploits and adventures of Fred in his quest to hybridize brugmansia and keep his jungle and nursery under control.

/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 8443 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

Time to get back down to earth in my world of Angel Trumpets

It is hard to top yesterday's featured Angel Trumpet so I figured I would post more a traditional Aurea style bloom to bring us down to earth.  Here's a new bloom form a seedling from a cross involving brugmansia Rosamond and Pink Smitty.The blooms are thick textured and nod horizontally.  I'm not sure what I'll end up doing with this one but for now I'll let it be and see what it does this fall.
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7847 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

This Angel Trumpet needs a curling iron...

I'm not sure where these long tendrils came from, but they sure would look better if they had some curl to them!  Today's featured Angel Trumpet seedling is from a cross between brugmansia New Orleans Lady and Mountain Magic.I'm hoping the color will flush out the green in the corolla tube the next time it blooms.  If not, it will be destined for the compost pile this winter.
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 7244 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

An Angel Trumpet that iluminates the night

By now I'm sure you're ready to see some color, but first I have one more white Angel Trumpet to show you.  This is brugmansia seedling is on my TBR (to be registered) list for this fall.  It is a cross of Pink Smitty x Miss Ellie.  I had about a dozen seedlings from this cross bloom last year and about half were carried over to watch this summer.  This was the first one to bloom and it blooms more than all the others combined.As you can see in the photo below, the blooms are semi-nodding ...
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 6323 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

I like it, I like it!

This white Angel Trumpet is one of my favorite single whites I'm watching this summer.  I have to admit I'm a sucker for blooms with crazy tendrils.  This seedling is from a cross made between brugmansias Creamsicle and Dorthea.The blooms are large and they appear in flushes.  I'll be anxiously waiting to see if the blooms stay white in the cooler fall weather.Oh, and the blooms have a nice fragrance too!
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 4496 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

Less than a handful...

Today's featured Angel Trumpet seedling is a mini as you can see by the photo below.  It is the result of a cross made between brugmansia Goldfinch x Rubirosa.  The plant itself is not a mini in any way and is actually over 6 feet tall in a 3 gallon pot.  The blooms are nothing special, but they do have a good substance and hold up well in the heat.I'll keep this one around for a while to see if the blooms remain small.
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 5398 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

An orphan worth keeping...

Today's featured Angel Trumpet seedling is a carry over from 2008.  It was a "missing tag" brugmansia so its parents are unknown.  Last fall I planted it in my yard because I felt it was worthy of watching.  During the winter it froze down to the ground but has quickly rebounded and is back in bloom again.It has lots of traits that make this one a keeper.  The blooms are thick and hold up well in the heat, the color is rich, and it has a nice fragrance.  With so many new single pinks under ...
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 6392 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

Well at least its not white...

Now that many of my Angel Trumpet seedlings are beginning to bloom, I seem to find a couple new double whites each week. It was great to finally stumble across a double with color last night.  This is the result of a cross between brugmansia Lady Liberty and Seminole Moon.  It had a nice butter yellow color that I am hoping will darken some as time goes on.I will probably watch this one for the rest of the summer and then cross it back to some color this fall.
/ Author: Sommer Gardens / Number of views: 6616 / Comments: / Article rating: No rating

Last night's wide bodied bloom

This wide-bodied Angel Trumpet bloom is the result of a cross between brugmansia Creamsicle and Mountain Magic.Measuring over 10 inches across, this one is a real attention grabber.  While it had the droops in the heat of the day, it quickly bounced back as the afternoon cooled off.I wonder if the color will deepen to that of Mt. Magic when cool weather arrives???

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